Allinq also connects in the virtual world

18 May 2023

Allinq Labs let the visitors of the FttH conference in Vienna at the end of May 2022 step into a virtual world with VR glasses. There, the avatar of new technologies specialist Roel Hoppenbrouwers showed them around the options and services that Allinq has to offer, including Smart Asset Management. It was a resounding success.

VR multiplayer demo Allinq Labs
Roel in Vienna with our VR multiplayer demo

This form of marketing for Allinq has proven to be very successful. Roel Hoppenbrouwers: “In a virtual world we visualize which services we offer. At the conference, for example, I took people to a POP building, showed what could go wrong with an overheated switch and what we can do to prevent this. Visitors immediately saw what we have to offer and the benefits that this brings along. And of course they thought it was cool to walk around in a virtual world,” he laughs. Virtual Reality offers many more possibilities, such as providing insight into data, having someone follow scenarios or training courses or holding virtual meetings together.

Of course visitors thought it was cool to walk around in a virtual world"

Roel Hoppenbrouwers

Then there is also Augmented Reality. “This is not a closed virtual world like VR, but the digital information is superimposed on the real world. That provides insight. For example, you can see cables in the ground through your AR glasses. Or a technician can see which steps to take in the event of a malfunction in a cabinet.” Allinq Labs is already experimenting with this extensively. As soon as the hardware and data work properly, Allinq is ready to apply the new technologies in the field.